  • Substance Use Treatment
  • Outreach
  • New York City, New York
  • Long Island, New York
  • Time-consuming scheduling required entering appointments twice
  • Sending alerts was a multi-step manual process
  • Reminders could only be sent in English
  • Clients had to download an app to access their appointments
  • Netsmart Telehealth™

Simplify scheduling and client access to services with integrated telehealth

Client Spotlight: Outreach

Outreach provides inpatient and outpatient substance use treatment and services at 14 locations.

For the initial switch from all in-person services to telehealth in 2020, the organization used a common video conferencing tool. But scheduling was cumbersome, and clients had to download an app, which was difficult for many.

  • Scheduling directly from the CareRecord eliminates double entry
  • Automatic alerts to clients for scheduled appointments and reminders 10 minutes prior
  • Information and reminders to clients in multiple languages
  • Increased convenience for clients – no app to download, plus full access to all services
  • Flexibility and ease of use for clinicians and providers

Our clients are more comfortable using telehealth – they just click the link on the text and it’s done. When they can’t get into see us, we can still give them full access to services. Integrated telehealth also gives our clinicians more flexibility, and allows us to expand our search for workforce by creating hybrid and fully remote opportunities.

Kelsey Silver, Assistant Vice President of Quality and Data Analytics

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