Healthcare Business Intelligence Solutions

Healthcare KPI Dashboards

The Netsmart Business Intelligence solution offers dashboards that organize and present healthcare data in a way that is easy to read and share. It provides snapshot views of key performance indicators (KPIs) for clinical, financial and operational data, as well as user-defined views of aggregated data by program, service type, caseload and more.

Flexibility and ease of use mean data analytics and data visualizations can be shared regularly with staff members and progress over time can be tracked. As a result, decision-makers are assured their organizations can optimize efficiencies and drive the best possible outcomes for the individuals they serve.



The Netsmart business intelligence solution is a dashboard solution that organizes and presents healthcare data in a way that is easy to read and share with others.


  • Drag-and-drop interfaces create flexible, interactive data visualizations
  • Snapshot views of healthcare KPIs for clinical, financial and operational data
  • User-defined views of data by program, service type and other factors


  • User-friendly interface and features do not require programming skills
  • Simplifies data discovery for healthcare decision-makers
  • Data visualizations help staff and managers track progress toward goals
  • Helps managers and decision-makers optimize efficiencies while driving the best possible outcomes for the individuals they serve

Learn More About Healthcare Business Intelligence