IDD EHR software stands for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Electronic Health Record software. EHRs for IDD also include functionality to address case management activities. It is a digital platform designed specifically for healthcare providers, direct service providers (DSPs) and caregivers working with patients who have intellectual and developmental disabilities. This software is designed to streamline and optimize DSP workflow and facilitate self-directed services for individuals with IDD. The solution must address the full continuum from OP, day/employment services and all levels of housing, including residential, supported and independent living for patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The three most important information features of IDD EHR software are:
1. IDD EHR and case management software are specifically designed for healthcare providers working with patients who have intellectual and developmental disabilities. These solutions are specifically designed for caregivers and DSPs. Ease of use and the ability to automate the unique workflows of a direct service provider reduce documentation time by 50%.
2. This software helps healthcare providers streamline and optimize healthcare services for patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The EHR/case management solution must have a robust financial engine to automate the authorization process, alerting to the status of authorization. In addition, the financial engine should have the ability to automate the full revenue cycle process.
3. Third, the solution must be person-centered and self-directed. Treatment plans must be architected from the perspective of an Individualized Service Plan. IDD EHR software is a digital platform that enables healthcare providers to keep accurate medical records of their patients.