Simplify communication among care team members as well as with the larger healthcare ecosystem

CareConnect Inbox

CareConnect™ Inbox supports Direct Secure Messaging, a secure communication mechanism for sending sensitive health information to other trusted parties. While appearing like email, the contents of the message are encrypted. Providers can easily and safely share data with other providers, eliminating the redundancy of diagnostic testing, reducing the cost of care and easing inconvenience for patients and providers alike.

CareConnect Inbox simplifies communication among care team members, as well as between your organization and the larger healthcare ecosystem. Clinicians can Direct Message team members, send referrals and share clinical information from the Netsmart CareRecord.

Direct secure Message




  • Quickly and securely exchange referrals with external provider organizations
  • Achieve efficient population health management and care coordination
  • Send and receive clinical data, lab results and treatment plans
  • Remove barriers of siloed healthcare data to see full view of individual


  • Direct Secure Messaging with thousands of external providers, including primary care, acute care, post-acute, behavioral health, social services and more
  • Supports the exchange of clinical data in the context of the consumer, including Consolidated-Clinical Document Architectures (C-CDAs), clinical assessments and progress notes
  • Supports consent management in adherence with federal and state privacy policy standards



For CareConnect Inbox

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Our IDD case management software is designed for person-centered care, empowering you to enrich the lives of those with intellectual or developmental disabilities.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Our medication-assisted treatment software will help you centralize care delivery, so you can help individuals on their road to recovery.

"We look for ways to use data to drive clinical decision support at the point of care."
Wesley Williams - CIO, Mental Health Care Center of Denver